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I know you all appreciate a hand-crafted hero. We just learned that Mr Robert Runyon of Winslow, Arkansas has been named an Arkansas Living Treasure for his work with log cabins and stone masonry. And no modern machinery for him! All hand hewn by him, and hauled by his mules Jasper, Jenny and Junebug. You’ve […]

Basket Weaving for Kids

Basket Weaving for Kids I remember my first basket. It was at YMCA Day Camp. My father worked at a factory called American Optical Company and that summer, the AO sponsored Day Camp for the children of its employees. Daddy signed us kids up for a week in July. I remember a few things about […]

How to Weave a Basket

Once upon a time, you worked a job with long hours. You never had any time for hobbies. You didn’t even have time to wish you have time for hobbies. Now you’re retired. You have more time than you know what to do with. By 10 o’clock, you’ve had 4 cups of coffee and you’re […]

Free Cane Webbing Instructions

Maybe you have a rocking chair like the one above. Maybe it was your grandma’s, and it’s been sitting in the attic since 1946. Except that the seat in your cane webbing chair is broken through from the time your cousin Timmy stood on it to get down the cookie jar. Which broke. The cane […]